this, you go around the world doing extraordinary work with the foundation, a lot of it financed by your dad all of it. amazing work you do. but my favorite story is the time that your mother very unusual welly for her decided had enough of you, locks you away in your bedroom. most kids in that position and i ve been in that position, you sit there and eventually allowed back in the community. not you, howard. what did you do? i had a row of windows in my room and i opened a window up. we had a greenhouse. i had to be careful climbing out because i didn t want to go through the glass and i got down and we had a charge account at the local hardware store about five blocks away and i went there and convinced the guy to let me charge a half block and i crawled back in and locked her out. you changed the lock on your bedroom door so she couldn t get back in. i put a has p lock on it. he was the hanable elector.
shepard: 16 minutes before the hour. more on the man who blew up a plane over lockerbie scotland two decades ago and killed 270 people. as i first reported, the family of abdelbhaset al-megrahi claims he is very, very sick. and near death. and it is not the first time we have heard the claims. his brother tells reporters in tripoli abdelbhaset al-megrahi is in a coma and no one has been able to communicate with him. this is video from august of 2009, scottish officials released abdelbhaset al-megrahi on compassionate grounds, but because they said doctors claim he only had a few months to live and officials in libya s rebel government now say they have no plans to lock up lock lock him such, abdelbhaset al-megrahi, and now, jonathan, do they believe the claims or not, that does not matter. the victims families members it
girl if you play the piano. that s the argument. i don t know if that s true. michelle, this is a lively discussion. kelly wallace. thank you. we like an argument. any time. 50 years ago president kennedy in spired a new generation of americans to serve as he himself was sworn into office. ask not what your country can do for you. ask what you can do for your country. [ applause ] . a little later in the show i m going to try to up lock a big mystery of the origin of that wonderful construction. ask not ask. this is hard ball only on msnbc.