not traveling with her husband. it s part of a larger attack. kimberly: imagine if they do that with michelle obama. it s unbelievable to me. juan, you agree, don t you? juan: i do. i don t think she is not political. i don t think she is very political at all. i think she s been forced into this role. you might say i don t think it s criticism. i think it s an apt description. when you talk about copying the brochure, it picks up energy because remember during the convention it was said she used michelle obama speech i think it was at the convention, or elements of it. the bigger point of criticism would be old, my gosh. this gets back to what you were saying, jesse. meant for people who don t like her husband. then you have the husband has had his own issues with cyberbullying. she is taking up cyberbullying. jesse: he does not cyber bully anybody, juan. he just hits back on twitter. juan: we report.
yet, the attacker for what she s wearing. again, where are the feminists? they never come out. the feminists are everywhere. they are just not supporting kellyanne conway who advocates or policies that hurt women. sean: stop it. stop. why? we are not talking about kellyanne conway. we are talking about melania trump. speak what you think talk about a platform that does not support maternity leave. sean: one at a time. tomi. we are talking about melania trump advocating for an end cyberbullying. the left goes after her and ridicules her. i don t see the feminists coming out saying leave a woman alone. leave an empowered female alone. i don t see the feminists doing that. i totally take your point. i think melania should not be ridiculed for her outfit. nor the cause. i was outraged when people went after michelle obama because she wore j.crew.ngvewere and melania the issue with her taking up cyberbullying when
here? right here. [laughs] sean: hillary clinton did not appear to speak at the point hillary clinton made with a policy point. that s completely sound. don t pick on her outfit. it was fabulous. melania trump picking up cyberbullying as her patron saint because after what donald trump tweeted last weekend? the golf ball hitting hillary in the back sean: are you that humorless? you really laughed at that? if that had been a conservative, if the golf ball had gone i laugh at you all the time on the internet, don t worry. sean: tomi can hit harder than me. tomi, you just don t do with the left does. conservatives would not do at the if they did do it, they d be ridiculed and raked over the coals. here s my question for jessica, isn t it supposed to be a platform the left loves? we are talking about being an advocate anti-cyberbullying, it s not partisan at all.
[laughs] sean: hillary clinton did not appear to speak at the point hillary clinton made with a policy point.t. that s completely sound. don t pick on her outfit. it was fabulous.po s melania trump picking up cyberbullying as her patron saint cause after what donald trump tweeted last weekend? the golf ball hitting hillary in the back sean: are you that humorless? you really laughed at that? if that had been a conservative, if the golf ball had gone i laugh at you all the time on the internet, don t worry. sean: tomi can hit harder than me. tomi, you just don t do with the left does. conservatives would not do it and if they did do it, they d be ridiculed and raked over the coals. here s my question for jessica, isn t it supposed to be a platform the left loves? we are talking about being an advocate anti-cyberbullying, it s not partisan at all. it s a human thing.
and melania the issue with her taking up cyberbullying when her husband is the biggest cyber bully of them all. that s the problem. why is she not advocating for this at home? sean: you attacked kellyanne conway. i like kellyanne conway. sean: for you to say she doesn t advocate for women? she is the first woman to ever win a national campaign as a campaign manager. a campaign that was awful to women. there are many democrats that are pro-life, joe biden is pro-life. sean: why are you attacking her? i am attacking the agenda she supports. sean: women are strong and independent. i have great respect for what kellyanne conway achieves. i like kellyanne conway a lot. it s the agenda she and the trump administration go for. sean: what about trump s agenda? what s interesting is you ve got president trump who has empowered many women. look at his press secretary,