Is it only me or others as well read it as what ever the crap we make, this market is still buying
Agreed with the second paragraph of your post, but not the first
. Saying crap is really stretching things. Trust me, the Indian customer is more shrewd than we give him / her credit for. Plus, if people blindly trust Maruti, it s because of 4 decades of hard-earned trust by taking care of the customer. Quality customer service & satisfaction is never accomplished by error. Perhaps other brands should also aspire to garner you can t go wrong with me reputations. Maruti owns 50% of the car market in India, yet even on Team-BHP, less than 10% (5% maybe) of the customer complaints are about them (compare this to Tata, Mahindra or Skoda). Even Hyundai has recently witnessed a massive surge in complaints.