Uorfi shared that she got the threats after recreating Chota Pandit s look from Bhool Bhulaiyaa. The role was played by Rajpal Yadav in the 2007 film and is one of his most popular roles.
In the photo shared by her sister Urusa, Uorfi was seen wearing a blue salwaar kameez with a dupatta on her head. Meanwhile, the man in the photo appeared to be dressed in a formal outfit.
Uorfi Javed shared a post on Instagram Stories criticising a restaurant that denied her entry. She said, "WTF! Is this really the 21st century? I was denied entry at a restaurant today. It s okay if you don t agree with my fashion choices. It s NOT to treat me differently for it. And if you are, admit it. Don t give some lame excuses. Pissed off!"