more impassioned speeches. that didn t move jeff flake, but his boy did. look, what we saw over the course of the week was the unvarnished contempt and i will put this on republicans that the republican party has for women in this country. what we saw this week was lindsey graham and chuck grassley and orrin hatch trying to the build the me too fire wall as if to say to all women this far and no further, right? you got harvey weinstein, you got les moonbeam, but gosh darn it, you re not taking our nominee away. there are judges waiting for kavanaugh s job. they could pick another guy but they don t want another guy and that s because the sexual assault allegations against brett kavanaugh are a feature for them, not a bug. they want to prove that they can shove this guy through and tell women to shut up and that s what we saw today. and i hope that s what murkowski