Unsplash/Gaelle Marcel
Sharen Ford, director of foster care and adoption for Focus on the Family, emphasized the importance of reporting any sign of suspected abuse and neglect, especially as some children are returning to school for the first time since the pandemic lockdowns began.
“Our Prevention with Purpose campaign is about helping everyone to know that their eyes and ears matter in the life of a child,” Ford told CP in an interview Wednesday. “If you see something that is suspicious, please call and report it. If you hear something that concerns you, a conversation that young children are having or older children and it sounds suspicious, please pick up the phone and report it.
April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month and Focus on the Family has launched its “Prevention with Purpose” campaign to help communities protect children by preventing abuse.
Unsplash/Gaelle Marcel
An expert on combatting sexual exploitation said her organization warned social media platforms that once the COVID-19 lockdowns began, predatory grooming and sexual exploitation of children would explode.
During a virtual panel of experts with the National Coalition on Sexual Exploitation, the organization that unveiled its annual “Dirty Dozen List” Tuesday of corporations that allow or profit off sexual exploitation, The Christian Post asked what impact the end of the pandemic might have on those entities.
Jake Roberson, vice president and director of communications at NCOSE, said he hoped “it doesn’t ever take a pandemic or the end of a pandemic for any of these corporations or entities to make their products safer for all users, and especially for children.”
Hanukkah begins on Thursday night…and not a minute too soon.
At noon on Tuesday, every cellphone in Southern California buzzed with an emergency alert from the state office of emergency services: “New public health stay at home order in your area. COVID-19 is spreading rapidly. Stay home except for essential activity. Wear a mask. Keep your distance.”
There is darkness…and we need light. There is worry…and we need calm. There is isolation…and we need community. There is an enemy…and we need a miracle to overcome it.
Two thousand and fifty-five years ago, a small band of zealous Jews also faced darkness, worry, isolation, and a seemingly intractable enemy. The Syrian-Greek overlords had desecrated the holy Temple in Jerusalem, capturing the menorah, rendering the sanctuary dark. Mattathias and his five sons worried that some Jews were losing their religion by assimilating into the attractive Hellenistic culture. The Maccabees, isolated in Modi’in, embarked on a seem