judiciary committee during his confirmation hearings. so those facts don t evaporate. they don t sort of go away over time. those are facts and they remain, stubborn as they may be. i will say this one thing for mr. nunes. what he said in private doesn t seem all that much crazier than what he says in public. fair enough. let me just say i m in good company not knowing what unrecuse means. paul, we know where it came, from it came from donald trump. nick, now you have a real synergy once again. you had it on unmasking, on uranium one. you have it on every corrupt smear campaign, every play that s being run against the republicans running the justice department. it all has its roots and its birth in this nexus between the minds of donald trump and devin nunes. look, it s fascinating and you have to give the president credit on some level. he is a master brander. he has been able to make the entire party talk the way he does. it s seeped down from the white
investigations as he did today publically. you know, i run a burrow of 20 people. if i say to someone, you shouldn t write this story, in my mind, i m instructing them to write this story, and i expect to see the story. but, you know, without getting caught in semantics, this is what the beginning of a constitutional crisis looks like. the president of the united states asking or telling the attorney general who is recused to unrecuse himself and stop an investigation that seems to be getting even closer to trump and his inner circle. we get distracted by the outlandish drapings that come out on these decisions and then we get bogged down with rudy giuliani s sesemantics. but at the core is a fundamentally un-american authoritarian impulse. and that should frighten people.
you know, i run a burrow of 20 people. if i say to someone, you shouldn t write this story, in my mind, i m instructing them to write this story, and i expect to see the story. but, you know, without getting caught in semantics, this is what the beginning of a constitutional crisis looks like. the president of the united states asking or telling the attorney general who is recused to unrecuse himself and stop an investigation that seems to be getting even closer to trump and his inner circle. we get distracted by the outlandish drapings that come out on these decisions and then we get bogged down with rudy giuliani s semantics. but at the core is a fundamentally un-american authoritarian impulse. and that should frighten people. republicans are saying absolutely nothing about what i hate to say is kind of a historic moment.
very incriminating tweet. it s part of a long pattern of obstruction of justice. he fired james comey. he has repeatedly tried to pressure jeff sessions to unrecuse. and fire robert mueller. and the prosecutor will find evidence of obstruction inside the white house, i m sure. but, you know, the house and senate judiciary committee should be investigating this. we re pay past the time of 1973 where they were investigating richard nixon. i m shocked there is no investigation for obstruction of justice and abuse of power and other high crimes and misdemeanors. let me ask you, why do you think that tonight we re in a place that is past where we were with nixon regarding presidential obstruction? what supports your view on that? i think we were past that point when he fired james comey. it was clear he fired james comey in order to obstruct the russia investigation, and he admitted to that in front of the russian ambassador in several tv interviews. we should have had hearings in the h
we are getting a pretty powerful case where the pieces of evidence are coming to ring tog now. i am going to count on viewers to come up with a fake nixon s account. matt miller before we go, we should not lose site of the fact that he s telling jeff sessions to end this. of course, much of the president and much of his anger, we know he s angry about this. jeff sessions had no choice to recuse himself. it was not an optional act. it was written in regulation. the president does not care about that and he s asking sessions to violate the department of justice regulations and unrecuse himself and shut down the investigation into the president himself. that s powerful evidence of the president corrupting. it is only wednesday. aaron blake and ji