collective by Alexander Nanau
BUCHAREST: Romania has been seriously affected by the Coronavirus pandemic, which shut down film production and cinemas for several months. The closing of cinemas and the decrease of TV advertisement resulted in a significant decrease of the amount of money for the national Film Fund and, as a consequence, no production grants were allotted for 2020 and most likely won t be allotted for 2021 as well.
Although officially re-launched in January 2020, when it was taken over by the Ministry of Economy, the cash rebate scheme didn t function in 2020, and at the end of 2020 most of the projects already shot since the scheme opened in 2018 were waiting for the rebate.
For the Cheil | Centrade team, 2020 was an adaptation test to the fast pace and large volume of projects, given the exceptional conditions of remote work and almost exclusively digital interaction.
Carmen Miruță, Client Service & New Business Director: “The year 2020 came with many challenges but most clients pushed further with their projects, which favored a stability in terms of marketing budgets and communication plans and even resulted into slight growth compared to last year. This year we added four new clients to our portfolio. Throughout 2020 we focused on strengthening relationships to secure a solid foundation to our partnerships, by implementing efficient processes, strong ideas, fast and productive solutions. We have also developed a lot of creative projects, which will definitely win awards at festivals next year.”
Noe-Fi Studios, Eastern Europe’s pioneering neuro-VR start-up, successfully attends Web Summit 2020
Mihai Cristea 18/12/2020 | 18:37
Noe-Fi Studios, the brand new startup founded by dream-team Ioana Mischie (Founder, CEO, Transmedia Artist/Futurist) and Vikram Jotwani (Co-founder/ Head of Growth and Innovation) is set to accomplish innovative projects in the year to come, after successfully taking part in this year’s edition of Web Summit.
Having international expertise gathered from Europe, Asia and North America, the start-up promises to promote enriching and ethical frameworks of immersive entertainment.
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Noe-Fi Studios was founded in the Autumn of 2020 as a Bucharest-based immersive entertainment studio focusing on state of the art XR projects, neuro-gaming and transmedia franchises. Their current goal is to achieve creating holistic, continuous artistic worlds that may lead to in-depth social change. It wishes to create an