find authority in the laws this legislative body considered and passed. it may not use gender ideology to twist a statute. carley: those people were testifying for the house judiciary sub-committee, the first woman, chloe cole, she said doctors put her on hormone therapy when what she needed was therapy. she s detransitioned. there are young people who go through the process that live to regret it and it feels like it has become controversial, unpopular, deemed hateful to point that out. you have to wonder why. todd: it is unfortunate it has become that way, democrats, so many on the left saying if you talk about the issues and raise questions with regard to gender dysphoria and things along those lines, you are a bigot and don t love kids. i argue it is the exact
george w. bush, karl rove. thanks for joining us this afternoon. plenty of headlines out there, we are getting into primary season, somewhat of a challenger at rfk, jr. how serious is this effect here, or in a year from now, are we going to see president biden getting renominated by democrats in chicago? well, if he were having to place a bet today, i think the safest bet would be to get he would be renominated but i would take the field against him and i don t mean the field of rfk, jr. i think democrats are deeply concerned about this. the president is clearly suffering, he s often times not able to connect two sentences together, he makes missteps, he s weak, he s old, he s unpopular, poll ratings are terrible. significant number of americans do not want him to run again, majority of americans do not want him to run again. he would be 82 shortly after the election and hoping to serve to
trump, massive tax cuts for wealthy people which, remember, was the one, big legislative quote, unquote, achievement in the trump administration. that s pretty unpopular. their desire to cut medicare and social security, unpopular. economy is pretty good under joe biden. what they re left with is the one real ammunition they ve got, and that is the culture war issues. you know, in virginia, they won a governor s election because they got their message out on parents having a role in education. this takes you into the world of transgender rights, into drag queens, into woman s reproductive choice. it s the one thing they ve got. what you see with senator tuberville, and the reason we may not get a national defense authorization passed, is that s all they ve got. they ll put it front and center even if it means risking the fbi and not getting a budget passed. the nato summit just passed. the concerns i keep hearing from