Rose, whose courtesy and kindness toward her fellow club players is admirable, took on Unlucky Louie as a project. “He’s better than his results indicate,” Rose insists. “He plays too fast.” Louie was today’s declarer. A diamond lead would have sunk his slam for sure, but West led a heart. Louie promptly put up dummy’s […]
Unlucky Louie has a big family, and Christmas at his house is like a baby shower that went totally overboard. “I’m afraid our Christmas tree isn’t big enough,” Louie complained to me. “There isn’t room beneath it for all the packages.” “Don’t worry about it,” Rose told him. “In the eyes of a child, every […]
“Got all your Christmas gifts wrapped?” I asked Unlucky Louie in the club lounge. “Insofar as I am able,” Louie sighed. “My wife says if you’ve ever seen a butcher wrapping a package of pork chops, you have some idea of my skill at wrapping Christmas gifts.” In today’s deal in a penny game, Louie […]
Unlucky Louie is no physicist but insists he can prove that sound travels slower than light: Louie says that some of the advice he gave his daughters at 16 didn’t get through to them until they were 22. Louie held today’s North hand in a duplicate game and heard his partner open 1NT. “Our 1NT […]
Unlucky Louie’s wife, Esther, had slightly rear-ended a car in front of her. “The damage was so light we didn’t even have our car repaired,” Louie told me disgustedly. “But the other driver went to one of those personal liability attorneys, alleging that he had been injured. Our insurance company settled rather than fight in […]