SEREMBAN: A man pleaded not guilty at the Sessions Court here on Friday (Jan 7) to six counts of accepting deposits totalling RM449,700 without valid licences for investment purposes three years ago.
The SC recently raided several locations in Kuala Lumpur and seized records and devices used by the syndicate, following complaints and tip-offs from the public
PETALING JAYA: The Securities Commission (SC) is investigating a syndicate suspected of unlicensed investment schemes that had duped hundreds of investors of over RM7mil.
In a statement yesterday, the SC said the investigation into the syndicate included two clone firm schemes.
“The SC recently raided several locations in Kuala Lumpur and seized records and devices used by the syndicate, following complaints and tip-offs from the public.
“The SC also brought down the servers used by the syndicate to perpetrate the scams. Investigations are ongoing for possible breaches under the Capital Markets and Services Act 2007.”