Reflections of a First-Year Buckeye: Hopeful signs, course planning for fall, spring commencement
President Johnson provides update on vaccination efforts
The Ohio State University
President Kristina M. Johnson sent the following email to The Ohio State University community today (March 9).
Dear Students, Faculty and Staff:
At Ohio State and around the world, we have been seeing hopeful signs of renewal and reasons for optimism. There’s a new vaccine – the single dose version created by Johnson & Johnson and approved by the FDA for emergency use. We had an early taste of spring weather that brought us out onto the Oval and other favorite campus spots. There are even plans to allow for limited fans – with public health restrictions in place – at the Big Ten basketball championships.
Reflections of a First-Year Buckeye: Events and gatherings update, influential scholars
President Johnson encourages community to share a little #BuckeyeLove
The Ohio State University
President Kristina M. Johnson sent the following email to The Ohio State University community today (Feb. 11).
Dear Students, Faculty and Staff:
Your efforts to slow the spread of the COVID-19 virus continue to pay off. I am proud to be part of such a caring and conscientious Buckeye community. As this challenge continues, you are succeeding every day in advancing our overall mission and building a better world.
Our student seven-day average positivity rate has continued to trend at 0.5% – both on and off campus. When I think of the sacrifices all of you are making to help keep one another, your families and our broader Buckeye community safe, I am inspired. The Buckeye spirit shines even brighter. Let’s continue to be safe around each other and for each other, Together As Buckeyes.
Reflections of a First-Year Buckeye: In-person classes, safety education and programming
President Johnson provides updates on COVID-19 vaccinations, campus engagement
The Ohio State University
President Kristina M. Johnson sent the following email to The Ohio State University community today (Feb. 2).
Dear Students, Faculty and Staff:
We are now in our fourth week of classes and our second week of some face-to-face instruction. I am excited to welcome many of you back to our campuses. Together as Buckeyes we got the job done this past fall, fighting the virus and remaining on campus to do the things we love. Let’s do it again, Buckeyes.