Guest essays reflect opinions from writers beyond WSN. If you’d like to submit a guest essay for consideration, please email How many more conversations will it take before NYU and President Linda Mills truly listen to pro-Palestinian voices? NYU students have been facing suppression, harassment, intimidation, suspensions and retaliation simply for expressing views in support.
Donna Jean Terbizan, known affectionately as “Doc T” throughout her adult life, was born February 2,1953 in Cleveland, Ohio to Eugene P and Evelyn R (Gauley) Terbizan. She grew up in Ohio graduating from West Geauga High School in 1971.
Craig Boise, dean of the College of Law, has been named dean representative to the Board of Trustees by Chancellor Kent Syverud. Lori Brown, professor of architecture, and director of diversity, equity, and inclusion in the School of Architecture, has.