Beyond dangerous and those who support it should be ashamed of themselves. They should be publicly condemned by every senator, every representative, every governor across this great country. In fact, just this year, 37 officers have been killed. By the way, thats more than a 20 increase over the same time last year. Because being a Police Officer in this country is more dinin dangerous than ever before. Im having the private conversations with members of Law Enforcement, our peace officers, men and women who will quietly tell you that it is difficult to continue to serve in this environment where theyre not getting the support of their elected officials. Ill tell you theyre getting the support of their communities in many cases, though, but where is the outrage being expressed by those who are elected to serve. And how are these heroes repaid . Cities and towns across our country, including montanas very own city of ma sue la masoula are talking about reducing their budget, proposing a
Colleges, black colleges and universities and minorityserving institutions in preparing students for success. Pursuant to committee rules, Opening Statements are limited to the chair and Ranking Member. This is to allow us to hear from witnesses sooner and allow adequate time for questions. I recognize myself now for an opening statement. Examine thel Critical Role of historicallyblack colleges and universities, Tribal Colleges and universities, and Community Colleges in providing lowincome students and students of color with a quality Higher Education. Our first three bipartisan hearings have clearly demonstrated that a College Degree remains the surest path to Financial Stability for americans across the country. This is particularly true for lowincome students and students of color, whose educational and workforce opportunities have historically been limited i enter generational poverty and systemic racism. Studies show students with income and the bottom of distribution can double
Welcome. Orning and the subcommittee on Higher Education and workforce investment will come to order. We are happy you are here. I know a quorum is present. I want to ask can sense they be permitted to participate in todays hearing with the understanding your questions will come after all members have completed their questions. The committee is eating to hear testimony on engines of economic mobility. The Critical Role of Community Colleges, historically lacked minorities serving and institutions preparing students for success. ,ursuant to Committee Rules Opening Statements are limited to the chair in the Ranking Member and this allows us to hear from our witnesses sooner and provide all members with adequate time to ask questions. I recognize myself now for the purpose of making an opening statement. We will examine the Critical Role of historically black colleges and universities, Tribal Colleges and universities, and committee colleges in providing low income students and students o
Good morning and welcome, everyone. Good morning and welcome, everyone. The subcommittee on Higher Education and workforce investment will come to order. Were happy that youre here. I know that a kwoerm is president and i want to ask that unanimous kent that miss haze of pennsylvania be able to participate with understand that their question also come after all committee hems. We are hearing testimony on engines of economic mobility, the Critical Role of Community Colleges, historically black colleges and universities and minorityserving institutions in preparing students for success. Pursuant to Committee Rules 7 c Opening Statements are limited to the chair and Ranking Member and this allows us to hear from our witnesses sooner and provides all members with adequate time to ask questions. I recognize myself now for the purpose of making an opening statement. Today we will examine the Critical Role of historically black colleges and universities hbcus. Hispanic serving institutions an
Welcome to a Special Edition of jesse watters, primie time. Im rachel camposduffy, and im in for jesse from tearing down Nativity Scenes to the banning of the word christmas, the lefts Warstma On Christmas goes back decades. And this year, things are truly escalating from satanic christmas shrines in themerica Capitol Building in the heartland of America To Pride Nutcrackers at target. And how can we forget the Anti Whito Gae christmas partiese ch in boston . And this weekend, the Communisrh Left has officially declared christmas canceled by on christmas day. Hundreds of antiisrael protesters took to the street, Wreaking Havocl Pr in new yorkpe city. Nativity scenes were splattered with fakrede blood. Ve what does the holy family have to do with any of this . Aand rioters attempted to overpower christians singing christmas carolsoverpowe while joe had the permit to say blow up. It do so voluntarily. No charges will be placed against the left. Tried to Steacel This Holy Dy from christia