When it comes to the nation’s milk output, the number of dairy cows and milk production per cow are two key factors. University of Wisconsin’s Mark Stephenson reviewed where these numbers went in,Hoard's Dairyman Intel - Thursday
In your September 25 issue . . . BOTH STRONG DEMAND AND SHORT SUPPLIES have been driving butter values heading into the fall baking season, which is the time that typically posts the strongest sa,Dairy News
Predicting future milk prices has become a precarious endeavor as of late. This holds true in both the United States and New Zealand.Since its opening forecast of a $9 midpoint per kilogram of milk so,Hoard's Dairyman Intel - Thursday
A $2.25 drop in per hundredweight (cwt.) pay price. . . that’s a substantial price reduction. That’s doubly true when the shift occurred in less than a three-month window.That revised milk price f,Hoard's Dairyman Intel - Thursday