Womxn of color want to engage in research, but workplace racism and sexism routinely push them out. These strands of discrimination intersect and force womxn of color to uniquely deal with both. Academic institutions characterize womxn of color as less intelligent and competent than their white male counterparts. But Black, Indigenous and womxn of.
University of Utah’s School for Cultural and Social Transformation was awarded a $1,000,000 grant from the Mellon Foundation to support its Pacific Islands Studies program, building on a three-year, $600,000 Mellon Foundation grant it received in 2018 to jumpstart the PI program.
A new study has found that pregnancy intentions often change over as short as a 12-month time period, and they specifically vary with partner status, household income, and employment status.
A new study has found that pregnancy intentions often change over as short as a 12-month time period, and they specifically vary with partner status, household