Sheroes: Healing with Acupuncture and Herbs
The busy athletes of Bend get support in optimizing athletic performance and health with local shero Ileana Bourland Lying on the table at Heal Grow Thrive Medicine, looking up at the familiar origami crane mobile in each treatment room, I m immediately set at ease. As a mediocre athlete trying to get to the bottom of chronic neck and back pain, licensed acupuncturist Ileana Bourland was recommended to me by a local yogi. Bourland s coffer of healing arts are expansive, expert and anchored in the oldest of healing sciences: Oriental medicine and Ayurveda. We have a motto here at HGTM: We do it for the patient, explains Bourland. We work with people to accomplish their goals in healing, whether that s to improve stress and anxiety, pain relief or optimizing athletic performance. HGTM started as a question: What is needed to reach a state of happiness, health and well-being? First, we work together with our patients and