Volunteers prepare more than one hundred tons of kinship for the homeless the koreans traditionally stock up on can she in the fourth because the fermented cabbage keeps well in winter its also rich in vitamin c. And seems to help keep up your spirits to in the cold months of the. Eastern german city of effort to meet a woman whose health was permanently dad once headed an institute for advanced training training when her husband was diagnosed with cancer she had via pain. Need to be profoundly. Really took i took two in the morning and another two in the afternoon i didnt think it was having any adverse of. Tablets of the pharmacy for
ten years she took four four Hundred Milligram Tablets a day thats more than the rest its a day thats more than the recommended daily dose of. Her kidneys have stress for five hours she stopped its because i took painkillers. And i couldnt just sit down when i down when i was. This i trusted the pills because they relieved my pain he had a life on dialys
Instead it merely acknowledged ukraines quote european aspirations Decision Makers in kiev hope that in time brussels would offer a roadmap to membership five years later and theyre still waiting the answer seems to be a polite but very definite no now. Youre watching t w news live from berlin ill be back at the top of the hour with more ball news followed by the day i hope to see you then. Its all happening coach of a fledgling. Tour linked to news from africa to the world your links to exceptional stories and discussions continue and welcome steve their views after telling program tonight from Phone Examinee from the news azizi tower i would say down here to close match africa join us on facebook doubling africa. Such. Relief always at your fingertips most households keep an ample supply of over the counter painkillers pharmaceutical Companies Make a lot of money with common Pain Relievers assisted decisions promote the drugs although they prefer not to talk about that pills to fight
German state by state. The most traditional. At any time. Check in with a web special. Take a tour of germany state by state on d w dot com. Two years ago the philippines began a brutal war against the drug gangs in which thousands of people died human rights activists and journalists charged the police with illegal killings charges which president do target as vigorously denied my guest this week here in manila is his Legal Advisor salvatore panel oh is the administration actively sanctioning and even encouraging mud on its own streets. Salvador penhallow welcome to conflict thank you for having me your president says hes old and tired and hes going to hear again about stepping down in february said ive no more ambition who needs a president whos got no more ambition theres more of an expression of will just say exasperation and disgust over certain things that do not come out as he expect. But is not stepping down who finishes turn he says guys i want to theyre not thinking of steppi
The second of three introductory articles about the Situationist International from "Leaving the 20th Century" by translator and English Situationist Chris Gray.