The Kerala High Court on Thursday granted permission to a person accused of committing the offence punishable under Section 498A (Cruelty to woman by husband or his relative) IPC, to pursue higher.
Justice Ziyad Rahman AA said that the man had cooperated with the investigation and that he need not be deprived of his right to go abroad for studies merely because the final report has not been filed.
UB Academics Receive P3 million PIRA Research Grants
Two University of Botswana academics, Dr Phillimon Odirile and Dr Boitumelo Mangope and their teams, have been awarded a combined sum of approximately P3.3 million (US$300 000) in research grants under the Alliance for African Partnership (AAP) grant programme, Partnerships for Innovative Research in Africa (PIRA).
The two are part of eleven research teams that benefitted from a P16.4 million (US$1.5 million) funding under the PIRA research grant programme. The programme is a tiered funding opportunity designed to cultivate and support multidirectional and transregional research partnerships that are focused on impacting lives and livelihoods in Africa and beyond. The grants cover a wide range of transdisciplinary topics.