May 24 2021, 10:56 am | BY Ricki Green | No Comments
Campaign Brief recognises and showcases the great work that is being produced in the region with The Work 2021 Contenders…
Victoria Police: Senior Constable Laurie Fox
McCann + HERO
The Victoria Police have lost 20 officers to suicide since 2012. Due to a systemic stigma of weakness and a culture of silence most refuse to seek support. Research also shows that officers resist advice and information from senior figures in their organisation, preferring to listen to their peers and colleagues.
We brought back Senior Constable Laurie Fox, an officer who took his own life, with a message they couldn’t ignore. Over several months, psychologists and Deep Fake specialists worked with Laurie’s family to recreate him from 20 photos composited on an actor’s body, whose voice bore a striking resemblance. The film directed officers to an anonymous support site with tools to help them identify the warning signs of suicide id