Prime Minister, the Hon Scott Morrison MP
Minister for Agriculture, Drought and Emergency Management, the Hon David Littleproud MP
The Coalition Government will bolster its commitment to protect Australian agriculture and regional communities.
A new $371 million biosecurity package strengthens Australia’s ability to keep out exotic pests and diseases, and improve our ability to fight an outbreak.
Prime Minister Scott Morrison said the Government is stepping up efforts to stop threats such as African swine fever, khapra beetle and foot and mouth disease entering Australia.
“Protecting our borders is as much about protecting our livestock, crops and environment from diseases that have the potential to devastate them and the livelihoods they support, as it does the health of Australians during COVID-19 or protecting Australia’s national security,” the Prime Minister said.
Biosecurity Checks Get a $371M Beefing Up
Biosecurity controls will be beefed up in a bid to protect Australian agriculture from devastating diseases and pests.
Prime Minister Scott Morrison will on Tuesday travel to Beef 2021 in Rockhampton to make a $371 million funding announcement one week ahead of the federal budget.
“Australia’s biosecurity system protects $42 billion in inbound tourism, $53 billion in agricultural exports and 1.6 million Australian jobs across the supply chain,” Morrison said.
“This investment is about building a protective ring around Australia to safeguard our industry as well as the rural and regional communities that depend on it. There will never be zero risk but we are committed to reducing the risk where possible.”