Alexander Fyans
Norwich PhD student Emma Langden
- Credit: Earlham Institute
The last year has been defined by Covid-19 and it’s been easy to lose sight of the other big issues facing the world. It’s still as important as ever though that we do everything we can to protect the planet from climate change.
In six months, the UK will host the United Nations Climate Change Conference or COP26. The conference will put Britain centre stage, showcasing some of the most exciting work being done across the world to turn the tide on global warming.
There’s also a good chance it will feature a lot of familiar faces, because Norfolk is leading the UK’s mission to protect our planet. With this in mind, we decided to look at some of the most exciting recent wins against climate change to come out of our area.
Some incredible innovations are coming out of Norfolk - from undersea robots to an app that can predict how global warming will affect our towns and cities.