synopsis may belong to another edition of this title.
Original Blessing and
The Reinvention of Work, who was silenced by the Vatican for his controversial statements about Creation Spirituality, and today an Episcopal priest would combine rave dance with religious Mass? And who else would now attempt such a distillation of the world s religions as this book brings us? Combining writings from a breadth of spiritual traditions, Fox employs the idea of Deep Ecumenism which he has explored in a series of books going back to
The Coming of the Cosmic Christ in 1989. Fox focuses on four categories of spiritual inquiry: how we relate to creation, to divinity, to ourselves and how we relate to the future. He sees these categories flowing through all spiritual tradition. One section explores issues of service and compassion, justice and spiritual warriorhood. Others discuss meditation, art, ritual and sexuality. Foxconcludes with 18 New Myths and Visions whichsummarises h