2Informatic Unit, INMEDIT SAS and Faculty of Engineering, University of Cartagena, Cartagena, Colombia
3Clinica Respiratoria y de Alergias, Cartagena, Colombia
4Departamento de Investigaciones, Fundación Cardioinfantil, Bogotá, Colombia
5Research Department - CINEUMO, Fundación Neumológica Colombiana, Bogotá, Colombia
6Research Department and Specialization Program in Pulmonology, Universidad de la Sabana, Bogotá, Colombia
Background: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is associated with increased risk of severe COVID-19, but the mechanisms are unclear. Besides, patients with severe COVID-19 have been reported to have increased levels of several immune mediators.
Methods: Ninety-two proteins were quantified in 315 plasma samples from 118 asthmatics, 99 COPD patients and 98 healthy controls (age 40-90 years), who were recruited in Colombia before the COVID-19 pandemic. Protein levels were compared between each disease group and healthy controls. Significant prote
PT: What is the food like?
NAF: Because we are on the coasts, we have a lot of seafood. We have coconut rice, fish soups, fish and rice, fried empanadas, arepas. We use a lot of coconut milk. We have a lot of stews and soups, and cassava bread. We also have a lot of juices. The preparation is although different among the black populations.
PT: Could you tell us about your education in Colombia?
NAF: I attended Comfenalco in Cartagena. It is a private school. I attended with scholarship. Public schools in Colombia were not very good, so I had to study hard to get scholarships. I had my primary and secondary school education at the private school. I always wanted to be the best. It was a lot of pressure to keep my scholarship. In Colombia, the youth do not have access to good education. The government should make good education available to all Colombians. It’s one of the reasons for the current strike.
Tras estudiar una tutela impuesta por Ernesto Camilo Brugés López, quien pedía que se cumpliera con el cronograma de vacunación presentado inicialmente por el Gobierno, el Juzgado Cuarto Civil del Circuito de Cartagena ordenó al Ministerio de Salud y a la Nueva EPS aplicarle al ciudadano la segunda dosis de la vacuna Pfizer en un término de 48 horas.
El juzgado consideró que el aplazamiento impuesto por el Ministerio de Salud para realizar la segunda dosis a los tres meses (a menores de 50 años), no tiene los soportes suficientes desde el punto de vista científico, por lo que protegió los derechos del ciudadano que impuso la tutela.
Latin American communities heavily affected by mercury and lead contamination
Intervention programmes are vitally needed to support Amazonian communities exposed to mercury contamination in Latin America, and children who are among those most affected by lead poisoning.
These are the conclusions of a review of studies conducted between 2016 and 2021, published in Current Opinion in Toxicology, which also highlights a lack of data to assess the true scale of the problem.
Exposure to lead and mercury is widely recognised as a global public health problem, with children in developing countries particularly impacted.
In the Amazon, mercury contamination is linked to artisanal and small-scale gold mining where it is used in the gold purification process. The toxic metal contaminates fish, which indigenous communities rely on heavily for food.
viernes 16, por
domingo 18, por
En su «sexta temporada»,
«Ventana musical Pacífico y Caribe» (antes Cuarentena …) sigue los miércoles de 7:30 pm a 8:00 pm.
El cantautor y acordeonero
Jaime Díaz, estará en la emisión 75 del espacio que muestra leyendas, estrellas y nuevos talentos de las músicas del Pacífico y el Caribe, entrevistados por destacados periodistas culturales del país.
Músicos que han conversado en
Son aliados del programa MinCultura con Talento Crea Colombia, las emisoras de la Universidad de Cartagena y Voces del Pacífico de Buenaventura, la plataforma digital Talento Chocoano, Nicho Cultural, Mercado Cultural del Caribe y Panorama Cultural.