The group has given one of Apple's biggest semiconductor suppliers until Aug. 6 to pay $70 million or risk having its data and network points of entry leaked.
The group has given one of Apple's biggest semiconductor suppliers until Aug. 6 to pay $70 million or risk having its data and "points of entry" to its network publicly leaked.
[Excerpted from the latest Radio Derb, now available exclusively through]
The core ideology of our Ruling Class, which citizens contradict at peril of losing their livelihood, is Race Denialism. Statistical differences in outcome by race
only reasons for those differences you may discuss in public are social: poverty, oppression, lack of self-esteem. And in fact all of those reasons have a single root cause: “systemic racism” on the part of whites towards other races.
Of course, there are at least two problems with this Race Denialism.
Problem One: Half a century of efforts, including massive favoritism towards blacks, expenditures of trillions, and the election of a black President, have made only a slight dent in the differences of outcome.