The recent stabbing of a Palestinian American in Austin, Texas, qualifies as a hate crime, local authorities confirmed Wednesday. The Austin Police Department arrested Bert James Baker, 36, on Sunday after he allegedly attacked Zacharia Doar, 23, who was riding in a truck near the University of Texas at Austin. In an update Wednesday, police…
Lecture 1: The Crisis of Liberal Democracy There is widespread agreement that liberal democracy is in crisis at home and abroad. But what is the nature of that crisis and how will it be resolved? The lecture proposes that the era of numerous liberal democracies may be drawing to a close. Most liberal democracies are unprepared for the challenges of a new cold war against illiberal, undemocratic opponents. Lecture 2: The Constitution of Academic Liberty Recent years have witnessed a steep decline in academic freedom and scholarly standards at U.S. universities. In this lecture, a theory of academic governance is proposed and the example given of a university constitution designed to promote academic freedom and standards in new ways. Niall Ferguson, MA, DPhil, FRSE, is the Milbank Family Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University, and a senior faculty fellow of the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs at Harvard. He is the author of sixteen books, includ
Believe it or not, there are folks out there who self-identify as leftist whom I don’t consider crazy. This is because they get some things right. They have their eyes on power systems, destructive processes, and dysfunctional arrangements. Their criticisms are pragmatic rather than moral.
Nadine Strossen, New York Law School professor emerita, past president of the American Civil Liberties Union and constitutional law expert, will be next in the Steven McCollum Distinguished Speakers Series
Lecture 1: The Crisis of Liberal Democracy There is widespread agreement that liberal democracy is in crisis at home and abroad. But what is the nature of that crisis and how will it be resolved? The lecture proposes that the era of numerous liberal democracies may be drawing to a close. Most liberal democracies are unprepared for the challenges of a new cold war against illiberal, undemocratic opponents. Lecture 2: The Constitution of Academic Liberty Recent years have witnessed a steep decline in academic freedom and scholarly standards at U.S. universities. In this lecture, a theory of academic governance is proposed and the example given of a university constitution designed to promote academic freedom and standards in new ways. Niall Ferguson, MA, DPhil, FRSE, is the Milbank Family Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University, and a senior faculty fellow of the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs at Harvard. He is the author of sixteen books, includ