| 28 августа. 1904 Недочеты пожарнаго обоза. Вчера, 27 августа, и. д. харьковскаго губернатора, вице-губернаторъ В. Н. Азанчевскій, присутствуя во время тушенія пожара, происшедшаго въ саду коммерческаго клуба, обратилъ вниманіе на то, что нѣкоторыя пожарныя трубы не отвѣчали своему назначенію, такъ какъ рукава ихъ отъ долгаго употребленія при тушеніи пожаровъ дали трещины, чрезъ которыя во многихъ… Автор новости: София Красникова 30.08.2021.
Officers hurt, property damaged at rowdy party in Colorado
Posted at 1:26 PM, Mar 07, 2021
and last updated 2021-03-07 20:42:15-05
BOULDER, Colo. â Police say violence and destruction broke out as officers worked to break up a party involving hundreds of people near the University of Colorado Boulder on Saturday.
Police say three officers were injured after they were struck with rocks and bricks. Boulder Police Chief Maris Herold said they are lucky there were not more serious injuries considering the amount of projectiles and force of the crowd. She said all officers are recovering and doing OK at this time with minor injuries.