Seven early career researchers at Te Herenga Waka Victoria University of Wellington have received a total of $2.24 million to pursue their research into issues ranging from health and wellbeing to climate change after receiving Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) Science Whitinga Fellowships.
The one-off fellowships, worth $320,000 each over two years, are among 30 awarded in an MBIE initiative administered by Royal Society Te Apārangi to support up-and-coming researchers at Aotearoa New Zealand-based research institutions during the constraints of COVID-19.
Welcoming the new Whitinga fellows, the University’s Vice-Provost (Research), Professor Margaret Hyland, says these early career researchers epitomise University strengths that have helped it top the main measure of research quality in the past two rounds of the Government’s six-yearly Performance-Based Research Fund.