Node join him. Im just going to give you the general argument about my new book, the long and disturbing story of corporations and catastrophe. I want to start just with a story. So in march of 1911 in a famous incident that many of you know, 146 young female, mostly immigrant workers died at the triangle shirtwaist factory fire in new york. And this event was, this event was precipitated by an industry that was highly exploy tative, the apparel industry. An industry where powerful garment firms, Department Stores in this case, contracted out to subcontractors to make clothing very cheaply. And the conditions in these sweatshops were terrible. There was everything there Sexual Exploitation of workers to very poor paid, safety issues. And the women went on strike in 1909 in whats called the uprising of the 20,000 in order to improve their lives. They lost on Workplace Safety, and two years later the cost of that was clear when 146 of them died. Because it was in downtown new york, famou