the gang of eight said you need to lead with border security michael bennet was very impassioned about this during the week i want to put up here, the 2013 bill had this. it doubled the number of border patrol agents, 350 miles of new fencing, universal e-verify nd system, new electronic visa tracking system and the deal was the border security measures go in immediately the adjustment to immigration status for various groups would be phased in. didn t you guys have the model is this deal worth taking off the shelf and making some minor adjustments? i think there s elements of it that we can the problem was it was done in one big piece of legislation the more stuff you put in a bill, the more reasons someone can find to be against it. some argue the other way, senator. make the bill bigger and, yes, okay, there will be things you don t like, but that s the only way to get some things you like. well, i mean, that was the
pelosi is strong because she got status quo that s not what the country wants. the country wants to find common ground the president made four different offers it was speaker pelosi said, i won t talk about anything. we have 35 days of speaker pelosi not negotiating the president finally said, this is too much. if you say you will do something else, i will open it up so the federal workers will be paid let s see where you will go in three weeks. that was her stance she will negotiate after you open the government. no. her stance was not $1 for a wall we re not going to do anything, it s immoral i don t believe that s where her members are as well. if you listen to her own chair of agriculture said give trump the money. her chairman of armed services says walls work. even her number two says, walls are not immoral. she s out of step with her own base in three weeks, the president is unlikely to do you really believe you are going to get a compromise that democrats will trade som