<p><strong>2024 State of Schools Address: </strong> Superintendent David Broskie hosts the fifth annual State of Schools Address at Thrasher-Horne on March 28 at 8 a.m. RSVP online. </p> <p><strong>Development Review Committee</strong> will meet on Thursday, March 28 at 10 a.m. in the Planning Department Conference Room, 3rd Floor of the Administration Building, 477 Houston Street Green Cove Springs.</p> <p><strong>Historical Preservation Board</strong> of Orange Park will meet at 4 p.m. on March 28.</p>
<p><strong>VOTE NOW IN ANNUAL BEST OF CLAY CONTEST: </strong>Readers can vote through March 6 for the winner of every category, and they can vote once in each category every day.</p>
<p><strong> SEARCHING FOR AUGUSTA SAVAGE DOCUMENTARY AVAILABLE</strong> <strong>NOW:</strong> <strong> </strong>A 22-minute film that tells the story of an inspiring and enterprising artist is available now on the American Masters YouTube channel, pbs.org/americanmasters and the PBS App.</p>
<p><strong>FALL PREVENTION PRESENTATION:</strong> <strong> </strong>a free informative presentation to share how caregivers can reduce their loved one s risk of falling. The presentation will be Feb. 29 from 10-11 a.m. at Baptist Wellness Center at, 2310 Village Square Pkwy Suite 101, Fleming Island. </p>
The annual "Best of Clay" contest is on now! </strong>The Clay Today is back for our third installment of the Best of Clay contest. Last year, we had over 153,000 votes cast for different businesses in Clay.</p>
<p>Starting February 17, you will be able to vote for the winner of every category. You are allowed one vote per category per day, so make sure to come back often! </p>
<p>Make sure to share the contest so all of the county can participate. Voting closes March 6