Exploring the human stories and constitutional dramas behind 12 Historic Supreme Court decisions. Number 7 59. Since row against weighed. Quite often, and very famous decisions, are ones that corked took that were quite unpopular. Let us go through a few cases that illustrate very dramatically and visually, what it means to live in a society of 310 million different people who helped stick together because they believed in the rule of law. Good evening and welcome to cspan and the National Constitution centers landmark cases. Tonight, we are going to be examining a 1944 war powers case of the Supreme Court. It is the story of korematsu v. United states. Aaa iaea detained through the course of the war. Mr. Korematsu said that was wrong. We have two people helping us learn the story. Peter irons is the civil rights attorney and editor of ten books including justice at war, the story of the japanese american internment cases. In the course of researching his book on this case, he found th