The United States and the United Nations have imposed sanctions on a man accused of running a migrant detention center in Libya where "horrific abuses" were carried out.
The war in Syria is still raging, making the country too unsafe for refugees to return, according to UN expert Paulo Pinheiro. He also warned that the winter cold and the coronavirus pose a dire thread to many Syrians.
InfoMigrants By InfoMigrants Published on : 2021/05/28
Almost 500 migrants were returned to Libya by the coast guard on Thursday. The International Organization for Migration said all were taken to detention centers.
The UN migration agency, IOM, said that 308 people, including five children, were intercepted by the Libyan coast guard on Thursday, May 27. The migrants had set off in three rubber boats and a wooden boat from the Libyan city of Zuwara, west of Tripoli. More than a hundred of the migrants were from Sudan.
Earlier the same day, another boat carrying 187 people was also intercepted. The IOM said that they were provided with emergency assistance before being taken into detention centers.
Due to unanswered distress calls, obstruction of humanitarian rescue efforts and pushbacks to Libya, the EU shares blame for the deaths of hundreds of migrants traveling across the Mediterranean route, a United Nations report finds.
InfoMigrants By ANSA Published on : 2021/03/02
The UN Committee on the Rights of the Child considers Spain responsible for violating the rights of a migrant minor who was forced to undress and undergo invasive medical examinations to determine her age.
Spain violated the rights of a migrant minor after she was forced to undress and undergo medical tests to determine her age, the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child (CRC) says. The committee cited a report released last Thursday (February 25) by the Fundación Raíces, a Spanish NGO that followed the case of the youth from Cameroon.