Donors raised $2,000 to light First Congregational UCC s traditional mission tree 11:10 am, Feb. 2, 2021 ×
Packaging meat for the Jan. 28 United Way Food Drop packages are, from left: Barbara Brown, Judy Kuhlmann, Cathy Johnson and Julie Thompson of the First Congregational UCC Mission Committee.
The brighter the mission tree got at First Congregational UCC Church of Alexandria, the more meat the church was able to donate to area families.
The mission tree is a tradition at the church, said member Kathryn LeBrasseur. It s placed in the church in early December, and for every $25 donated, the tree gains another light.
The money goes to a specific mission, and this year the church chose to donate the funds to support the United Way Food Drop on Jan. 28. The tree became brightly lit in December, as over $2,000 was donated.