Two Years of Gregg Berhalter: The Talent Pool
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Photo by Alexandre Simoes/Borussia Dortmund via Getty Images
We just hit the two year point for Gregg Berhalter’s term in charge of the United States Men’s National team, and to mark the occasion, I’m doing a comprehensive review of the team since he took charge. This is part four and final part of the series, and we will be talking about how the player pool has improved over the last two years. If you need to catch up, you can go back to the first, second, and third parts, where we talked about roster selection, dual nationals, and tactics, respectively. I hope all of you have enjoyed the series and found something insightful.
Two Years of Berhalter: Tactical Evolution
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Photo by John Dorton/ISI Photos/Getty Images
We just hit the two year point for Gregg Berhalter’s term in charge of the United States Men’s National team, and to mark the occasion, I’m doing a comprehensive review of the team since he took charge. This is part three of that series, and today, we will be talking about tactics. Part one covered roster selections, and part two focused on dual nationals. The series will conclude next week with a discussion on the player pool.
In a way, the tactics section of this series was always going to be the most difficult for me to write. It’s one thing to describe and critique the tactics of a single game. It’s another to look at a series of games and reach a conclusion about the whole thing. The core problem is sample size.
Two Years of Gregg Berhalter: Dual Nationals
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Photo by Eric Alonso/Getty Images
We just hit the two year point for Gregg Berhalter’s term in charge of the United States Men’s National team, and to mark the occasion, I’m doing a comprehensive review of the team since he took charge. This is part two of that series, and, today, we will be talking about dual nationals on the team. If you want to check out the first part, a review of who’s in and who’s out of the roster, you can find it here. The series will also continue next week, with discussions on tactics and the player pool. With that, let’s get started.