Rita. And made extraordinary progress resilience of the community and ecoshgsystem in louisiana. Learn about d you the role of the government from the job that you did . Backwards, entire paradigm, how we approach upaster is backwards, we end spending billions following disaster rather than millions improving ctive and resilience of our communities. Example after example we can where we have wasted money and spent more money coming in disaster rather than improving resilience. Entire t go around the country and say make everyone resillient to thousand year can make l, but you Principal Investment necessary vulnerability areas and save federal taxpayers significant dollars. Are seeing a trend right ow, coastal area of the continental United States in land area is 10 of the land of represents 40 of the population and were moreg that trend increase, and more people moving to coastal areas. Weve got to get better at being resillient communities in the coastal area as this trend continues o
Congressman. Our next guest of the morning is representative garret graves of louisiana and here to talk about what happens when the areas of the country get ravaged by storms. Could you give us yours experience in louisiana and take us back to what you did before you came to congress . Sure. We have a wlabd slachbd surveyi company, so ive spent my whole life in the unique terrain. But a few jobs back, i was responsible for largely restoring the coastal wetlands following 2005 hurricanes. One of the largest projects in u. S. History. And made extraordinary progress helping to improve the resilience of the communities and of the ecosystem in south louisiana. What did you learn about the federal governments role in those situations from the job that you did . It is backwards. The entire parra dichl how we approach disaster is backwards. We end up spending billions following a disaster rather than spending millions being proactive and improving the resilience of our communities. And there
State. This month, a Police Officer in ohio had a near fatal sentinel overdose facing overdose following routine traffic stop. ,e put on his mask and gloves arrested some individuals, went back to the playstation and the police station, noticed there was powder on his shirt, he brushed it away. He is a big man, and he fell to the floor unconscious and overdose. Canadministered nor immediately, but he was not enough, they had to rush into the hospital where two more narc an doses were administered and luckily his life was saved. He would have date have died if he had been alone. He also said, what if you got home and hugged his kid . This, it is devastating our communities and causing danger for Law Enforcement and First Responders. Isntanyl hundreds of times more potent than heroin. It can be deadly. We also know about other synthetic drugs coming into our country. This issue is getting worse. As i said, the number of overdoses and deaths have increased a medically dramatically. You mi
Eric from Washington University is traveling, so i am filling in, which i am delighted to because jason parker is a good friend of mine. First, let me make some general introductions. This is the last session of the washington washington history seminar for this spring season. We will start up again in september, and we have together our fall lineup of speakers, and we will be sending that out very shortly. It is a very exciting list of speakers. I think you will find it very exciting very interesting. We are delighted that we have been able to attract so many very first rate people to speak. I want to thank, as always, the people behind the scenes who make this possible. The liaison for the Wilson Center makes all the logistical arrangements here, and amanda perry, over to the side and the front, the assistant director of the National History center who also helps out in arranging these events. I also want to issue a special word of thanks to our sponsors. First and foremost, schaeffe
Eric from Washington University is traveling, so i am filling in, which i am delighted to because jason parker is a good friend of mine. First, let me make some general introductions. This is the last session of the washington washington history seminar for this spring season. We will start up again in september, and we have together our fall lineup of speakers, and we will be sending that out very shortly. It is a very exciting list of speakers. I think you will find it very exciting very interesting. We are delighted that we have been able to attract so many very first rate people to speak. I want to thank, as always, the people behind the scenes who make this possible. The liaison for the Wilson Center makes all the logistical arrangements here, and amanda perry, over to the side and the front, the assistant director of the National History center who also helps out in arranging these events. I also want to issue a special word of thanks to our sponsors. First and foremost, schaeffe