Today’s occasion signifies yet another milestone of the great partnership between the two institutions. Not for the benefit of any, but for the betterment of the lives of South Africans. As Government, we are grateful for the support we have received from the UN agencies throughout the years.
Regional Refugee and Resilience Plan (3RP): Turkey Country Chapter 2021-2022 [EN/TR]
Current Situation
Turkey has been hosting the largest population of persons under temporary and international protection in the world for six years. In 2020, the number of Syrians under temporary protection have passed 3.6 million, almost half of whom are children 1 and 46 percent of whom are women and girls. In addition, Turkey hosts approximately 320,000 international protection applicants and status holders from other countries. The Law on Foreigners and International Protection, and the Temporary Protection Regulation, continue to provide a strong legal framework for the legal stay, registration, documentation and access to rights and services for foreigners in Turkey.