her death and protests that up followed, leading to a widespread crackdown by security forces. demonstrators forcibly pushed back in the streets, curfews put into place. and according to human rights groups, multiple protesters have been put to death. some in public executions. on wednesday, the united nations commission on the status of women responded to these crackdowns. 29 members of the u.n. economic and social council voting to outstrip iran from the commissioned through 2026. america s ambassador to the u.n., linda thomas-greenfield calling iran s membership an ugly stain on the commission s credibility. parted wednesday s vote, i asked former secretary of state hillary clinton what is happening in iran and how the united states and other global power should respond. here is what she shared. i think that when our governments side, we should continue to have our official spokespeople, the presidents press secretary and others, continue to peek keep this in
Its immediate removal for the remainder of its 2022-2026 term corrects a grave mistake,” said Deutch. Today’s action marks the first time a member of the commission has been removed.
The United Nations today removed Iran from its women s rights body over the regime s brutal crackdown on protests. 📰 UN Removes Iran From Women’s Rights Body Over Regime’s Morality Police Protest Crackdown: Reports.