Let us listen again to the joint Presser Given by us Law Enforcement officials involved in The Incident and investigation. At 1 30pm, a call come out shots fired called in by the Secret Service. Because we were in constant contact with them all the time, we were notified of that and we immediately sealed up the area. Fortunately we were able to locate a witness that came to us and said, hey, i saw the guy running out of the bushes, he jumped into a Black Nissan and i took a picture of the vehicle and the tag. Which was great. We had that information. Our real time crime centre sent that up to the Licence Plate readers, and we were able to get a hit on that vehicle on i95 as it was heading into Martin County. We got a hold of Martin County, Sheriffs Office, alerted them, and they spotted the vehicle and they spotted the vehicle and pulled it over. And detained the guy. After that we took the victim, im sorry, the witness, that witnessed The Incident, took, flew him up there, and he iden
FreeIng up space was the only way to avert a crIsIs, after the PrIson PopulatIon reached record levels. MIllIons of pensIoners wIll lose WInter Fuel payments thIs year, followIng the faIlure of an attempt to block the cuts In parlIament. Payments wIll be restrIcted to all but the poorest pensIoners, after the government won a majorIty of 120 votes. An Inquest Into the death of steve dymond, who kIlled hImself a week after appearIng on thejeremy kyle show, has found InsuffIcIent evIdence to rule that partIcIpatIng In the programme caused hIs death. The coronor ruled hIs death was a suIcIde. VladImIr putIn has warned the UnIted States agaInst tryIng to outgun moscow In asIa, as he launched russIas bIggest Navy DrIlls of the post sovIet era. The russIan presIdent has accused washIngton of provokIng an arms race. If You ArejustjoInIng us, welcome to the programme. All eyes then, on phIladelpIa and the natIonal ConstItutIon Centre wHere tonIght, Donald Trump and Kamala HarrIs wIll debate fo
together they have been targeted over 150 times, since october 7, by iranian linked proxies. yesterday the target was tower 22, a us outpost onjordan s north eastern border with syria. an enemy drone hit the living quarters on base killing three soldiers and injuring at least 3a others. according to cbs, the drone was flown in at the same time as a us drone was returning to base from a mission. reportedly the air defence system had been switched off to allow the american drone in, but that also let in the enemy drone which flew in on a much flatter trajectory. washington has blamed iranian backed militant groups with president biden saying this weekend the us would choose when and how to hit back. i want to point out that we had a tough day last night. we lost three brave souls on an attack on one of our bases. we shall respond. in the last hour, the white house national security spokesman, john kirby, said washington was not seeking a wider conflict in the middle east. we do
wednesday. meet with us senators wednesday. meet with us senators wednesda . ~ , ., wednesday. we believe in our aemplanes- wednesday. we believe in our aeroplanes. we wednesday. we believe in our aeroplanes. we feel wednesday. we believe in our aeroplanes. we feel they - wednesday. we believe in our aeroplanes. we feel they are l aeroplanes. we feel they are safe and our people do, we have confidence in the safety of our plans. confidence in the safety of our lans. ,., confidence in the safety of our . lans, , ., , plans. the embattled ceo is t in: to plans. the embattled ceo is trying to reassure plans. the embattled ceo is trying to reassure airlines, l trying to reassure airlines, regulators and passengers after any catastrophic alaska airlines incident earlier this month. it s a cabin panel blow up month. it s a cabin panel blow up a brand new 737 max line judge. since then about 171 max ninejets have been grounded. he did not comment on an anonymous report onli
from under the rubble in turkey, more than 120 hours after the first earthquake struck. three people have been arrested, following clashes with police outside a hotel providing refuge for asylum seekers on merseyside in the uk. in other news, us fighterjets shoot down an unidentified aircraft over alaska after president biden gave the order to seek and destroy. troops are trying to salvage the wreckage. hello and welcome to the programme. rescuers in turkey and syria are increasingly focusing efforts on the survivors of monday s earthquakes who are enduring the aftermath in the cold of winter. more than 2a,000 people are now known to have died. these are the epicentres close to the turkish cities of kahramanmaras and gaziantep. as we know, of course, the chances of finding people alive diminish as every hour goes by and thoughts now to the hundreds of thousands of people who need to survive and rebuild, given what has happened there. we know the united nations will play a c