French GPs begin week-long wildcat strike organised by Facebook group to demand more funding for health services; airline workers in Spain at Ryanair, Vueling and Air Nostrum continue cost of living strikes over Christmas; UK rail workers strike during Christmas holidays over pay, job losses and passenger safety, with further stoppages planned in the New Year; South African food workers’ pay strike at Daybreak chicken factories for living wage
MFRS to help deliver afternoon tea to 250 unpaid carers to thank them for pandemic efforts AROUND 250 domiciliary carers across Merseyside will be treated to afternoon tea next week as part of a ‘thank you’ from local organisations for their efforts during the pandemic. Merseyside Fire & Rescue Service (MFRS) has teamed up with LFC, Age UK Wirral, all five Merseyside local authorities and a number of other organisations to recognise the commitment and sacrifice made by unpaid domiciliary carers as part of their ‘Care for the Carers’ campaign. The afternoon teas will be prepared by LFC before being delivered by volunteers and MFRS fire crews to carers in Knowsley, Liverpool, Sefton, St Helens and Wirral on the afternoon of Wednesday 9th June.
More organisations join Wirralâs emergency food hub AN emergency food hub s efforts to ensure vulnerable people across Wirral are not going hungry during lockdown have been bolstered by support from organisations who have joined to help out. Within days of the latest national lockdown being announced, Wirral Council and Wirral Foodbank joined forces to get the borough’s Emergency Food Hub up-and-running again, with more than 350 food boxes delivered to local people in need in the first week alone. Other local organisations have now come onboard to help ensure the emergency food meets more of the individual needs of vulnerable residents, including: