Real Estate Trend Forecast Review
Did the perma bears finally get their US house prices crash that they have been crowing so loudly for a decade now?
Firstly a recap of my existing US house prices trend forecast.
Therefore my forecast conclusion is for a relatively weak continuation of the US housing bull market into late 2020 at a much shallower pace than experienced in recent years for a
likely gain of just 3% over the next 2 years (Jan 2019 to Jan 2021) before entering into a downtrend going into 2021 i.e. Case Shiller 10 city Index (SPCS10RNSA ) rising from 225.9 (Jan 2019 data) to just 232.4 (Jan 2021 data) as illustrated by my trend forecast graph.
Leaked benchmarks on the performance of Intel s 11th Gen rocket lake processors due to make an appears as early as March 2020 suggest that the Intel s slide into CPU market oblivion could soon be halted on at least core basis (especially important for gaming) that deliver a 30% leap over their 10th Gen processors. And even more importantly Intel BEATS AMD s BEST processor even when overclocked, the 5950x running at 4.9ghz by about 3%! Which IS what Intel should have done with it s 10th Gen processors! Still it looks like the Intel has finally read the writing on the wall and plowed a large chunk of it s cash mountain into trying to compete against AMD, though STILL stuck on the 14nm node!
US Coronavirus Catastrophe at Start of 2021
US House Prices Trend Forecast Review
The Inflation Mega-trend QE4EVER General Artificial Intelligence Was BORN in 2020!
How AI will come to rule the world
Intel Fights Back! AI Stocks at Start of 2021
The whole of which was first been made available to Patrons who support my work so
Analysis Schedule :
UK house prices trend forecast
Stock market trend forecast for 2021
AI stocks buying levels update
Bitcoin price trend forecast UK Housing Market Trend Forecast 2021
Will the UK follow the US inflationary lead or has Brexit and Covid combined to press the pause button on the UK housing bull market for 2021?
Hope you had a great start to 2021, 2020 the year of the Pandemic has finally coming to an end. However the chinese virus is not done with reeking havoc on the worlds population, at least in western nations with their ageing populations that for the likes of Italy stand at an average age of 45 against developing nations such as Pakistan with an average age of just 22 years which at least goes some way to explain why the covid crisis is just not as bad as it is in the West. Though India with an average age of 26 seems to be suffering that bit more than Pakistan is so this anomaly could be down to -