Its 7am in singapore, 12am in london and 6am injakarta where rescue workers have been searching for survivors after a firework factory exploded in the indonesian capital. At least 47 people have been killed others are still missing, and dozens were wounded in the blast in the tangerang industrial zone, just west of jakarta. The bbcs ian palmer reports. A factory building destroyed. Just hours before it was full of workers but something went wrong. The fireworks inside caught fire. The explosion was so loud People Living nearby said it sounded like a bomb. Hundreds of fireworks ignited, the fla mes hundreds of fireworks ignited, the flames spread, factory workers had just arrived for the day shift. The fire took hold, the roof collapsed, dozens fire took hold, the roof collapsed, d oze ns of fire took hold, the roof collapsed, dozens of people inside. The factory had only been open for two months. Many of the survivors suffered severe burns and life changing injuries. The list of those
We leave this washington to go live tont new york, the un Security Council, holding an emergency session to discuss the enough. Emergency to discuss the north korea Missile Launch. Language]ng foreign thank you, mr. Chair, mr. President , members of the Security Council. According to the official news agency of the democratic peoples republic of korea, dp rk, and various governmental sources, at approximately 9 00 a. M. Local time on 4 july 2017, the dprk launched a ballistic fire ofhich it turns intercontinental ballistic issile rocket. The missile was launched in the pyongyang airfield. According to the dprk, and covered a distance of 933 kilometers during a 39midflight 802ching an altitude of 2, kilometers before impacting into the sea. According to these parameters, the missile would have a range. F roughly 6700 kilometers it launched on a more difficult trajectory, making it an intercontinental ballistic icbm, according to widely used definitions. Predprk again did not send launch
Companies and is brought to you by your cable or satellite provider. Now, a look at proposed rules that would give Foreign Police quicker access to data on u. S. Citizens and experts talk about the impact. This runs just over one hour. Good afternoon. Welcome to the briefing today. Talking about fighting crimes while preserving privacy. This is hosted with the congressional internet caucus of this is with the support andressman Bob Goodlatte john thune and patrick leahy. Just a couple of housekeeping things before we begin. We are Live Streaming this event online. The audio and video will be available shortly after the event. Dont forget to follow us on twitter and use the hashtag cross border warrants. Warrants. Before we begin, we will be having our next event balancing National Security and privacy, a panel on fisa 702 this friday at noon in this room. We hope to see you all here this friday. Without further adieu, i like to hand this over to cary. She was formally at the department
Companies and is brought to you by your cable or satellite provider. Now, a look at proposed rules that would give Foreign Police quicker access to data on u. S. Citizens and experts talk about the impact. This runs just over one hour. Good afternoon. Welcome to the briefing today. Talking about fighting crimes while preserving privacy. This is hosted with the congressional internet caucus of this is with the support andressman Bob Goodlatte john thune and patrick leahy. Just a couple of housekeeping things before we begin. We are Live Streaming this event online. The audio and video will be available shortly after the event. Dont forget to follow us on twitter and use the hashtag cross border warrants. Warrants. Before we begin, we will be having our next event balancing National Security and privacy, a panel on fisa 702 this friday at noon in this room. We hope to see you all here this friday. Without further adieu, i like to hand this over to cary. She was formally at the department
Washington journal. Join the discussion. A look at opposed rules that would give Foreign Police quicker access. Privacy advocates and legal scholars discuss how the proposal would be implemented and its potential impact. From earlier this week on capitol hill this is just over hour. This event is hosted in conjunction with the congressional internet off internet caucus. Congressional internet caucus. This caucus is with the support of the cochairs from the house side, concentrationman bob goodland andcongressman anna and senator patrick leahy. Just a couple of housekeeping things before we begin. We are Live Streaming thisevent online. The audio and video will be available shortly afterthe net caucus. Org. Dont forget to follow us on twitter and use the hashtag cross border warrants. Before we begin, wewill be having our next event balancing National Security and privacy, a panel on fisa 702 this friday at noon in this room. We hope to see you all here this friday. Without further adie