Alongside the race for Covid-19 treatments and vaccines, the industry has maintained momentum
2020’s headlines have been dominated by coronavirus since the first reports of a mysterious virus causing pneumonia in Wuhan, China, in January. The pharmaceuticals sector’s response was huge. While the pharma landscape has been somewhat unusual this year, at least some business has carried on.
The need for effective and innovative ways to treat disease is something that even a global pandemic will not blunt
Of course, a lot of the focus on clinical trials this year has been Covid-19-related, but trials continue elsewhere, despite the challenges and delays the pandemic has caused. However, there has been disruption. According to Evaluate Pharma’s World preview 2020, outlook to 2026 report, ‘Hundreds of clinical trials have been mothballed and trial readouts delayed; smaller developers in particular are exposed here, as they rely on fresh data for financial injections and partnerin