The Holness administration appears confident that it will meet a new deadline of October 2023 to bring Jamaica’s anti-money laundering and countering of the financing of terrorism (AML/CFT) regime up to international standards and avoid being.
LAWMAKERS CAN now proceed with debate on legislation to indemnify the actions of officers of the Independent Commission of Investigations (INDECOM) after receiving a list of cases that the oversight body prosecuted during its first three years of.
Former district constable and garage operator Linton Berry was today released from the Tower Street Adult Correctional Centre in Kingston after spending 31 years behind bars for murder. Berry came to national attention in 1987 when he was.
The UK-based Privy Council on Thursday ruled that Jamaica’s anti-money laundering law compelling attorneys to report instances of financial crimes in dealing with their clients “does not contravene co.
Government has further delayed formally naming the members of the Constitutional Reform Committee that will oversee the reform of Jamaica’s Independence Constitution.
Minister of Legal and Constituti.