The committee of unsecured creditors in the Chapter 11 bankruptcy case of insurtech Vesttoo has now been approved to begin conducting legal discovery on
In the latest court filings under the Vesttoo chapter 11 bankruptcy case, it's become clear that a difference of opinion has emerged between creditors to
High Court Won t Take Up Insurer Liability Suit From 9th Circ.
Law360 (February 22, 2021, 5:32 PM EST) The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday refused to weigh in on a suit from the Ninth Circuit regarding whether United Automobile Insurance Co. must cover a $3.5 million default judgment against its policyholder after it didn t defend the insured in an underlying suit over a car accident.
The Ninth Circuit had sought the high court s input over whether UAIC should be held liable for damages beyond its policy limits after the insurer breached its duty to defend its policyholder, and whether UAIC should pay for the insured s underlying defense costs even if it didn t act in bad faith. The court has.