here s what s interesting the science is finally catching up to the bible. the bible is clear that an unborn child is a human being in a mother s womb but now we have science. so you see all these statistics coming out that the millennials and the newer generation of even prois people are saying hold on a second. we are looking at these you ultrasounds and seeing these are human beings, those are fingers and ice and nose. when planned parenthood is exposed for the culture of death pushing on our country folks are beginning to shrink back. ainsley: you gov united americans for live they surveyed. have you 9 kid between the two of you. we do. you live on the same street? charlotte, north carolina. i m sure you have fun. when you hear the comments from the governor of virginia. let me play these comments. i m sure you heard it. most americans have. let me remind you of what he said and i would get your reaction.
they are linked epidemics. brian: we only have 20 seconds left. she is going with a trend. first medicinal and then recreational and then legalizing it she wants to get the young vote by staying with the trend. what do you say to her? my impression is you don t get the young vote by putting them in great jeopardy and the damage we are going to do to this generation in this experiment is very grave. my impression is she made a mistake. she called for more research unfortunately she said let s legalize first and then research on what we have done to ourselves. that s not the way it works. she needs to be more familiar with the research already been done and issuing a strong warning to us don t go there. brian: dr. murray said in the preinterview a lot of these polls are soft much softer than we are led to believe about approval and the way americans think of it. indeed. brian: dr. murray, important conversation, thank you so much. thank you, sir. brian: what s at the top of amy klo
pro-choice americans oppose it entrepreneurs and authors of the new book bold and broken, becoming the bridge between heaven and earth. so good to see you guys. thank you for being on with us again. congratulations on the new book. thank you. ainsley: we will get that. we wanted to bring you on. you have this tv show and talk about faith openly. you ended up losing that show because of it and now written this amazing book. what are your thoughts of this even two thirds of pro-choicers are against, this basically. why would states want to legalize. this couple of things going on. this isn t a political battle it s a spiritual moral battle it crosses political lines. what happens in america today the ceiling always becomes the floor. it just constantly wants more and more and more. and we re watching it expand and it reminds me of a quote by edmund burk the only thing necessary for evil to prevail is for good men and women to do nothing.
heroin here. don t mix the two. what do you say? the one doesn t lead to the other. brian, i think the research is actually disrupting that simplified notion that there is a soft drug over here called marijuana separated from the overdose crisis that the country is going through, the unprecedented more than 70,000 americans lost their lives in the most recent year 2017. that s an astonishing link, however is that early adolescent marijuana exposure is actually tied to the opioid epidemic overdose disaster that we have kind of inculcated here. it primes the brain especially for young adolescents exposed to the hypo tenancy industrial marijuana available now. they are smoking shatter and concentrates. they are vapor rising them and 70 and 90% concentrates of thc the neurotoxicity here is neuro.
20 billion, they probably couldn t have picked up the pace. and steve and ainsley, this is only seven months. steve: keep in mind. democrats didn t want him to build one mile. ainsley: this is a big step, right? steve: i think the president is going to say you know what? i will take that number right there 1.4 billion for 55 miles of border wall and then i bet he has got something up his sleeve. because, last night, and ainsley you just alluded to. this he said that wall is going to be built. listen to this. we re building the wall anyway. illegal immigration hurts all americans, including millions of legal immigrants by driving down wages, draining public resources, and claiming countless innocent lives. the biggest proponents of open borders are rich liberals and wealthy donors. these are hypocrites who oppose security for you while living their entire lives i do too, to be honest with you i m