As part of its civic action programme, Assam Rifles battalions under the aegis of HQ IGAR (North) conducted various welfare activities for the local populace.
Assam Rifles under the aegis of HQ IGAR (N) observed National Immunisation week by conducting a vaccination drive at Unit Hospital in Jalukie town of Peren on April 30. The security force also organised security and coordination meeting with the GBs and chairmen of Dhansiripar area at Doyapur village, Chumoukedima.
Jalukie, April 8 (MExN): Assam Rifles Battalion under the aegis of HQ IGAR (N) organised a Unit Hospital visit for school children and teachers on the occasion of World Health Day at Jalukie on April 7.
O paciente, Carlos Alberto Reis, tomou o chamado "kit covid" e não recebeu o tratamento adequado, tendo sido transferido ao Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein por opção da família e de um médico de confiança