Unipol Spa reported Friday that it closed 2022 with a net profit of EUR866 million, up from EUR796 million a year earlier. Net of the extraordinary items that characterized the 2021 and 2022 results,. | February 10, 2023
PT Kilang Pertamina International is set to use Grace's UNIPOL polypropylene technology as part of its larger initiative – the Trans-Pacific Petrochemical Indotama olefin complex development project in Indonesia.
A small investment by Italian financial group Unipol in a local bank could put an end to the waiting game in Italian bank consolidation, aiding Rome's efforts to finally cut its stake in ailing Monte dei Paschi (MPS). Bankers say Unipol's surprise decision to raise its stake in tiny Banca Popolare di Sondrio to 9% over the past week could trigger a chain reaction that facilitates a solution for MPS. The Treasury has long identified UniCredit as the best partner for MPS.
Italian financial group Unipol has raised its stake in Popolare di Sondrio to 7%, in a move that may ease a tie-up between the regional bank and bigger rival BPER Banca.
(Teleborsa) – Nuova mossa nello scacchiere del risiko Bancario italiano. A rompere gli indugi è Unipol che, attraverso una nota diramata da UnipolSai nella .