An amount of Rs 45 lakh each was given to the families of two BJP men and a driver of Union Minister of State for Home Ajay Kumar Misra, killed in Lakhimpur Kheri violence.
Bharatiya Kisan Union leader Rakesh TIkait said that people had several videos(related to Union Minister of State Ajay Misra Teni s son mowing his vehicle over the farmers) which will come up as soon as the net is restored.
Tikait, who visited the house of a farmer killed in the Lakhimpur violence, said the minister's son Ashish Mishra was seen by many people at the spot on a fateful day.
Bhartiya Kisan Union leader Rakesh Tikait on Tuesday gave a week's ultimatum to the Uttar Pradesh government for arresting Union Minister of State for Home Ajay Kumar Mishra's son, accused in an FIR of being behind farmers' death in Lakhimpur Kheri