In an unexpected scenario, a group of engineers is undergoing a cycle test in Kerala to secure government office peon positions. The job requirements are rather simple – candidates must have passed the seventh grade and be capable of riding a bicycle. Despite their technical qualifications, these individuals are seeking positions that offer a monthly salary of around Rs 23,000.
Labour Ministry finalises job rules under 4 codes
The four broad codes on wages, industrial relations, social security and occupational safety, health & working conditions (OSH) have already been notified after getting the President s assent
PTI | February 14, 2021 | Updated 12:47 IST
The Ministry of Labour and Employment has finalised rules under the four labour codes paving the way for making reforms a reality by notifying those for implementation soon. The four broad codes on wages, industrial relations, social security and occupational safety, health & working conditions (OSH) have already been notified after getting the President s assent. But for implementing these four codes, the rules need to be notified.
labour codes which will make way for a three-day weekend.
A survey conducted in 2020 showed that Indian employees feel a four-day workweek concept is at least five years away.
Especially given that employees are made to work beyond five days in a week in today’s corporate set-up.The Indian government might soon allow companies to go ahead with a four-day work week. The Union Ministry of Labour and Employment is working on new labour codes which will make way for a three-day weekend, but will keep the
working hours at 48 hours a week, which means employees might be subject to long days.